Proofing Instructions - MargoReed

MargoReed MargoReed

Client-Proofing Instructions

I am so excited for you to see your proofs! You can watch this video, or follow along here for instructions on how to use client-proofing tools. 

For more information on the ethics and workflow behind post-production, please read here:

1. After opening the gallery via the link above, you can click on a photo to enlarge it, or you can scroll through the entire gallery with images as thumbnails. Choose the photos you like by clicking on the"thumbs up" button and entering your email address when prompted. Your "likes" will be saved for you if you come back to this gallery later. You will also receive these selections without retouch in the final delivery.

2. Once you've "liked" images, scroll to the top of the page and click on the thumbs up to filter to only your "liked" images. From here, you can narrow down by clicking the heart or "love" button (shown below). These will be your final selections. 

3. Click on a photo to enlarge it. In the bottom right corner, add comments with specific instructions you'd like to see when the photo is retouched. Here's some of what I'll do by default in post-production / retouching:
— Remove impermanent blemishes and shine
— Remove flyaway hair
— Touch up background / distracting poles or signs
— Color/ exposure correct
— Export as high-res files

4. Once you've made your selections, please email me to let me know you're ready for retouch. I will reach out directly if you have any questions.

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