Essays - MargoReed

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Photo Essays

The Photo essay is a personal creative practice that helps Margo keep inspiration and excitement alive outside of work. Click on any of the projects below to get a glimpse into her creative practice. 

Photographic Dream Journal

Using the subconscious as a common ground, this project re-creates dreams in photographs. It explores the human condition on the most universal level, and pushes back against biases that divide us in the waking world.

An empty space in the kitchen window

My grandparents were caretakers of their disabled daughter for 68 years, until she died when they were in their late-80s. This project chronicles the ins and outs of life in the Reed house, particularly during the decline of Cindy's health in 2020. 

Cling Wrap

As people across the globe wrapped their hands and faces to protect themselves during the COVID-19 pandemic, the cling wrap wrapped my camera, too. 

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