MAR00226 - MargoReed

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Print Sale

All images on this page are available for print orders ranging from sizes 4x6" - 16 x 20". Matting and framing is available. 

If you are interested in a limited edition print, please email margo@margoreedstudio with the image title, size, matting, framing and any other questions for a quote. 

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Betty Fabian wears a mask while getting her hair done at Lords and Ladies in Fleetwood, PA, October 9, 2020. The salon was closed from March 16 until June 26, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Pandemic restrictions in Pennsylvania keep the salon at fifty-percent capacity and all employees and clients must wear masks and practice sanitizing all equipment and furniture between clients.
MAR00226 - MargoReed
Betty Fabian wears a mask while getting her hair done at Lords and Ladies in Fleetwood, PA, October 9, 2020. The salon was closed from March 16 until June 26, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Pandemic restrictions in Pennsylvania keep the salon at fifty-percent capacity and all employees and clients must wear masks and practice sanitizing all equipment and furniture between clients.