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As president of Bryn Mawr College, Kimberly Wright Cassidy's leadership has changed lives and shaped us as individuals, as a community, and as an institution. 

Since taking office officially in 2014, plus one year as interim president before that, she has partnered with the community to achieve great things: she led the largest fund-raising campaign in the College’s history, leading to unprecedented growth in the financial aid budget, the construction of new and renovated campus buildings supporting academics and student life as well as increased staff in both areas, the development of a 21st-century curriculum, and shepherded the College as it reckoned with its legacies of racism and exclusion. Kim Cassidy steps down as Bryn Mawr’s president in June 2024 and will return to teaching and research full-time within our Psychology department, where she has been since 1993.

In 1979, a group of recently-graduated journalism students embarked in an inaugural @dowjonesnewsfund residency that aimed to help diversify newsrooms. The program invited nine students with diverse, minority backgrounds to Bethlehem Pennsylvania. They took journalism classes from leaders in the industry before heading off to their internships for the summer, and then to their fruitful careers.

All of the students in the group went on to work in journalism. They did anything from editing to reporting to masthead-level positions at some of the largest newsrooms in the country.

In 2023, the group reunited in person for the first time in 44 years, this time alongside another pioneering group-- the Dow Jones News Fund inaugural group of audience engagement interns. I was humbled to be there to witness and film both classes working and learning alongside each other. Thank you, DJNF.

Filmed and Produced by Margo Reed for the Dow Jones News Fund

Each year at the end of spring, the Tyler School of Art Fibers' Department puts together a fashion-show style art show with undergraduate students to show their work to the public and Temple University Community.

Imagine Exhibitions engages students to learn in museums around the globe. In 2021, Dinosaur Explorers visited the Reading Museum, and it drew in participants from across Berks County. The next stop on the tour was in Philadelphia's Franklin Institute.

Dinosaur Explorer is an all-new traveling exhibition that explores the wildest, wackiest, and most wonderous dinosaurs, and examines human physiology through the lens of these magnificent creatures. Although they lived millions of years before us, dinosaurs—just like us—adapted to not only survive, but to thrive on planet earth. As such, paleontologists believe that dinosaurs shared many things in common with humankind, and, as astounding as it may seem, lived daily lives that may be quite familiar. Whether it be feeding or family dynamics, intelligence or interpersonal relationships, Dinosaur Explorer examines the ways that environmental, biological, and behavioral circumstances influenced dinosaur daily life, and asks: where do we see similarities in our world today?

20220513_Baccalaureate_Margo Reed-27 - MargoReed